Inaugural meeting of the new Supervisory Board of DCCF in Arad: The members of the new DCCF Supervisory Board, elected at the DCCF General Assembly in Belgrade, held their inaugural meeting in Arad.
President of the SvB Octavian Stocklosa (Bucharest CCI), members of the SvB Milen Dobrev (Ruse CCI) and Dr. Zoltan Vereczkey (Pest County CCI)
DANUBE REGION BUSINESS SUMMIT: A large number of interested people attended the DRBS event in Vienna on 6 November at the WKÖ WIEN in Vienna. During the day, participants not only heard about the challenges facing the Danube region, but also had the opportunity to exchange ideas directly during lunch and the afternoon activities. Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will take over the EUSDR Presidency next year, was represented by high-ranking officials.
WOMEN IN BUSINESS Networking along the Danube: WKÖ Wien organised an inspiring networking event on 5 November in Vienna, that offered exciting insights into the future of the Danube Region and successful best practices of women in business. DCCF is pleased to have contributed to the success of this great event.
General Assembly in Beograd: Board members, new Secretary General and Supervisory Board members elected